2012年11月16日 星期五

Why I need to further my study.

Why I need to further my study. Since for my serving in the field, for more than twenty five year, through the Pastoral ministry and Social work, thank God let me go through with all kind of experience and difficulty. Firstly when I think of equip myself is on Year 2007, so on 10th September 2007, I went to Tainan Theological College and Seminary, for further my study with Master of Art in Religion and Social work. From 10/9/2007 to 28/1/2008, I completed 15 credit of Social work study, from 8/2/2008 to 9/3/2008, I have a opportunity to attend USA Maui, Haggai Institute Advance Leadership Training. From 2008 September to January 2009, I was in Hong Kong for my field Training and part time study in Bethel Seminary. I believe what bible said to us: all things is work for good, for those who love God, go through with all the trial and difficulty, by faith and in God we trust, to be success and set up all kind of Social Ministry, to become a blessing to other in this Society. From 21st September 2010 to 15th January 2011, another 15 credit of Theological and Social work study completed in Tainan Theological College and Seminary. I really enjoy my study for this few year, settle down myself and write some of my taught and all the working experience, specially the issue and cases, We have face the problems and learn from the mistake. From May 2011 our Penang Relau Senior Citizen Home, facing of staff politic issue, to let us go through all kind of pain, trial and difficulty, so continue of my study is my mission and commitment. Year of 2013 July by the grace of God, I can finish my study in Tainan Theological College and Seminary, and continue to serve God and be the blessing of people in our society and reach the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ to all over the World. From Rev Teo How Ken. 為何需要再進修 從事教會和社會工作,二十五年是個漫長的路途,有機會進修是事奉的恩惠,從二零零七年九月十日,到台南神學院進修,碩士班宗教社會工作系,是我人生的經歷,過去二十五年來,馬不停蹄的,做牛做馬,忙的像馬大而忽略了像馬利亞,安靜在主面前,尋找那上好的福份。 所謂瘦田無人耕,耕肥有人爭,從教會牧飬至社會關懷,若不是心事奉神和手服侍人,我想我和我的家人,真的不能繼續向去,所謂吃的苦中苦,方為人上人,悲歡離合,爭權奪利,爭風吃醋,愛世界,妒忌和驕傲都是我們人性的軟弱。 至於我和我的家,我們必定要事奉耶和華,無論怎麼樣的情況,我們不怕幸苦和患難,為了要人得着基督的救恩,不惜代價,榮神益人,是我們事奉神和服侍人的信念。 在八打鄰恩惠堂,牧養了二十五年,甜酸苦辣,處事侍人,傳道栽培,宣教和社會關懷,實在不是容易的工作,但心靈有滿足的喜樂和效果,不是能用言語可形容的。 所謂取之社會、用之社會和羊毛出自羊身上,讓我學習到教會和社會的服務,人們需要主,人心需人們的關愛,我們最重要的是,操練神給我們的大愛,就是在約翰一書四章九節:我們愛是 神先愛我們,愛人如己和彼此相愛是神給我們的命令。 傳道人不可太窮,有如箴言三十章八節下半段所說:使我也不貧窮也不富足,賜給我需用的飲食。九節:恐怕我飽足不認你,說:"耶和華是誰呢?"又恐怕我貧窮就偷竊,以致褻瀆我 神的名。 人之將死,其言必真,人之將亡、其言必善,自古以來人人如此唱:錢、錢、錢確實最真,錢、錢、錢確實最真,無銀紙乞人憎,咸吧蘭累埋怕倒震,開講話:富在深山有遠親,也親也親都是徦,此終不及銀紙許可親。 生不帶來,死不帶去,留的青山在,不怕沒柴燒,路遙知馬力,日久見人心,我們是神的僕人,要處理各樣的事務,無論是人事問題,處事侍人真是要擁有十八般的武藝,若是沒有上頭來的智慧,真是沒有辦法來處理。 傳道人,神的僕人或使女,首先要先學做人,進修對從事聖職人員或社會工作者,是必須的不但能從新得力,且在靈裡得到美好的福份,讓我們事奉者,靈力充沛,智慧充足。 張胡坤牧師敬約。
