2010年3月23日 星期二

Mission and vision

This is the day, that the Lord has made. 這就是主,所定的日子.

簡 介

宗 旨:〈方舟〉的恩惠

· 改变是不可避免的;
· 专业的照护能减缓病体的痛苦;
· 真诚的关怀能释放困扰的心灵;
· 爱能减少痛苦,提升希望!


Home for the aged is a sanctuary enhancing the upbringing of body and soul. Malaysia in the 21st century is on the threshold of an aging society. Care of the elderly has become an important issue for each family. The establishment of the Noah’s Ark Nursing Home symbolizes a new era for Rumah Charis apart from ejecting more fresh vitality for the elderly care system in Malaysia.

OUR PURPOSE – the grace of Noah’s Ark
The Noah's Ark" is a familiar story of the Bible. Prior to the destruction of the world, God commanded the righteous Noah to build an ark for loading all animals in pairs to save them from floods. The Noah’s Ark is very much like a sanctuary. With God's grace, we are running the road ahead cling on to following conviction that:
• change is inevitable;
• professional care can reduce a patient’s suffering;
• sincere concern can release a troubled soul;
• love can reduce pain and enhance hope!

Malaysia, stepping into the 21st century, is becoming an aging society. Care for the elderly is an issue that needs to be urgently addressed. Our mission has always been “Let love abounds where need arises”. I hope that through concerted efforts of our dedicated friends and supporters the construction of Noah’s Ark can be completed to facilitate implementation of our mission.

We have to pass on God's love and be committed to serve the elderly aboard this modern ark, a sanctuary and a safe haven for the elderly both physically and psychologically. The Noah’s Ark is a channel of blessing to the destitute elderly. We will serve with humility. The banner of dream is risen. We are ready to sail off to a new era bringing light into life.


The Rumah Charis is a Christian non profitable organization founded by Rev. Teo How Ken in 1988. Its primarily ministry is to minister to the needs of the elderly, children and youths. Social services includes homes for the aged, a children home and ministry for the youths. Her mission is to support and care for the lost and destitute. Her purpose is to be a channel of blessing to the needy. No matter where we are God’s grace and faithfulness abounds. The Rumah Charis is registered as a charitable organization under the society act and is also a member of the welfare society in Kuala Lumpur.

The ministry of Rumah Charis includes: an old folks’ home which serves as a sanctuary for the destitute elderly. Currently there are two homes for the aged. One is based in Puchong and the other in Relau, Penang. The Noah Ark is a nursing home for terminal patients.

2010年3月7日 星期日

Malaysia Penang Pulau Betong Noah's Ark Senior Citizen Home.

 方舟在希伯來原文的意思是『箱子』,或是『櫃子』,這名詞在別處作為『不透水的籃子』使用。在聖經中與『約櫃』及嬰孩摩西所在的『蒲草箱』,(出二3,二五10,)二者是同一個字。聖經挪亞造方舟的記載,方舟長三百肘,寬五十肘,高三十肘,結構上分為上、中、下三層,上方留有透光處,材質為歌斐木(即腓尼基人常用作造船的木料)。名航海家華德饒雷勳爵(Walter Raleigh)指出:『方舟必有扁平之底,與一般船頭尖銳而用以破浪的設計不同,牠建構的兩大要求是最大的容積,並且能漂浮,這樣的設計使方舟能自然漂浮,不生危險。』因為方舟不是船,是逃生的工具;不是用來航行,只是用來漂浮,這就是方舟的設計、構造及功用。聖經記載,神以祂的形像及樣式造人,其『目的』乃是要人像祂以彰顯祂、代表祂。但神的仇敵一再破壞這個目的,漸漸人類已經無法代表、彰顯神。人在地上作惡犯罪,終日所思想的盡都是惡。此時撒但已經徹底的破壞了神整個計畫。於是,『耶和華就後悔造人在地上,心中憂傷,』(創六6,)決心用洪水清除整個大地,且將敗壞的人類一併毀滅;然而挪亞在神眼前蒙恩,神要他造方舟,保留這個敬畏神的家庭。他們進方舟後,大水立即從天上及地下的水源洶湧而來,淹沒了整個大地。但挪亞一家及各種生物都靠著方舟得蒙拯救,並且神以彩虹為記號,與他們立了生命之約。主耶穌曾說,挪亞的日子如何,世界的末期也如何。(太二四37。)當人們照樣喫喝嫁娶、犯罪作惡,不知不覺審判即將來到,人沒有一點反抗的能力,無奈的等候審判。因為神的憐憫,今日祂也為我們預備了『方舟』,就是召會生活,你若要從世界的洪流中蒙拯救,就必須進入『方舟』過召會生活。這是得救惟一的路。『你和你的全家都要進入方舟。』(創七1。)這是當年神向挪亞發出拯救的呼喚,這恩典的呼喚不斷的出現在整本聖經中,直到最後一章,神仍不停止祂的呼召。(啟二二17。)朋友,當這呼召再度依稀在你的耳邊時,請你答應,快快進入『方舟』,同蒙生命之恩,脫離將來的忿怒,同享神兒子自由的榮耀。

This is the day, that the Lord has made. 這就是主,所定的日子。

2010年3月6日 星期六

A simple path way 簡單的路

Assumption College Sriracha Thailand.
Prof. Michael Ferng and Rev. Teo How Ken.

Rev. Teo How Ken and Prof. Huang Junsheng.

陳国云姐妹, 羅志明弟兄和馮妙泉教授在 Nongnooch Village Pattaya.

Floating Market Bangkok Thailand.

Assumption college Sriracha with our Director.
This is the day, that the Lord has made. 這就是主,所定的日子。

2010年3月3日 星期三

God answer our prayer 神听我們的禱告

人口周密 a lot of people stay together

We are Historical withness 我們是历史見證人

荣神益人 To God be the Glory

Bro. Wu and Rev. Teo How Ken, Mission Impossible

This is the day, that the Lord has made. 這就是主,所定的日子。

