我愛我的家,當每個人愛它,有愛就有家,家庭有愛就溫馨,赤子之情怀,使兄弟姊妹,恩恩愛愛,也因主的大愛之長闊高深,吸引了我們每個人。 The Love of God set us free, We love is because God first love us. Now is End time, repent and follow God. 是末世的時代,悔改歸向神。
2009年8月25日 星期二
2009年8月21日 星期五
2009年8月17日 星期一
人善被人欺, 馬善被人騎.
This the day, that the Lord has made. 這就是主,所定的日子。
God forgive me, for what I have done, this morning I'm in Restaurant Millennium, having my breakfast and waiting for Lawyer Wong chiong Seng, my note book beatery is running out, so I use the Coffee Shop power point, one of the shop worker came and let me know, no one can use the power point, I reply him hey! do you know me, are you new here ? so my next table an old man kpc, start to campur tangan, than start with a word:
" Teow li lo mou" a I ask him said one more time, than second time " Teow li lo muo" my tear is drop in my heart, than some more your are mokshi and this .......... . Thanks God I'm a Pastor, if not I will kill him, let me learn a lesson, 26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: 27 Neither give place to the devil. Ephesians 4 生氣不可犯罪, 含恕不可到日落.
2009年8月16日 星期日
2009年8月14日 星期五
This the day, that the Lord has made. 這就是主,所定的日子。
Misty Lake View Holiday Resort
Resort, Retreat, Retire and Restoration. Four R plan.
Resort, Retreat, Retire and Restoration. Four R plan.
I strongly believed God wants us to do a Miracle for the ministry. As we went from Malaysia and visited twice
Dayang in July 2009, and found out that was a great and difficult thing, We know that this job we can’t handle with it, but we know through God all things is possible; only if we cooperate together, nothing is impossible.
Gold and silver we have none, but we have the love of God, and we trust God will use us to be a blessing to people. We hope Chow family trust us, and give us a chance to reactivate Misty Lake View Holiday Resort. On behalf of Rumah Charis being a Christian Social Ministry, we hope Chow family will give us the right to use the beautiful place. Also, we can do a better job than the present situation now with the operation and maintenance fee of RMB 720,000.00 Yuan that Chow family spends annually.
We know through this figure, we can do great things for this place to keep up and reuse what we have in the resort. We want to restructure the management team and start working as soon as we receive it.
With the effort and hard work we put in, we believe the resort can self support gradually and ultimately it will restore by its own. All we need is a group of voluntary workers and servants who fear God as well as they have obedience and compassion hearts to serve the people who are really in need.
“ I came to serve and not to be served”
Gold and silver we have none, but we have the love of God, and we trust God will use us to be a blessing to people. We hope Chow family trust us, and give us a chance to reactivate Misty Lake View Holiday Resort. On behalf of Rumah Charis being a Christian Social Ministry, we hope Chow family will give us the right to use the beautiful place. Also, we can do a better job than the present situation now with the operation and maintenance fee of RMB 720,000.00 Yuan that Chow family spends annually.
We know through this figure, we can do great things for this place to keep up and reuse what we have in the resort. We want to restructure the management team and start working as soon as we receive it.
With the effort and hard work we put in, we believe the resort can self support gradually and ultimately it will restore by its own. All we need is a group of voluntary workers and servants who fear God as well as they have obedience and compassion hearts to serve the people who are really in need.
“ I came to serve and not to be served”
2009年8月10日 星期一
2009年8月9日 星期日
中華小姐 Chinese Pagaent
2009年8月6日 星期四
我知道我的救贖主活著 I know His Live
Proposal of Mistry Lake View Holiday Resort
2009年8月5日 星期三
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