2008年11月30日 星期日

My sweet lady Ping po po 我親愛的江秀萍婆婆

Our Elder Ping po po is a wise senior lady.
Visit her this morning with Kenneth.

2008年11月29日 星期六

Blessed family dinner at Italian Kitchen

Like father like Son 虎父無犬子
母女情怀 Like mother like daugther

We are at Sunway Pyramid.

I'm a dreamer 我是一位夢者

This Noah's Ark is in Ma Wan Hong Kong, but we going to build another one in Malaysia, Penang Pulau Betong on year 2011. Will be a Senior Citizen Home, for the Elderly who a in need.

d' happy clubs

Started a new senior citizens centre in
No.37, Jalan 17/3, 46300 Petaling Jaya.

早上集合在 d' happy clubs 前

Invited by Ps Judy, Our senior citizen six of them going to Melaka one day trip.
我們的長者被黃牧師免費請去,參加馬六甲一日遊,隨行者有Christina, Ps Judy,國英,水萍姐

2008年11月28日 星期五

金色年華 Golden Aged

Uncle Lee song leading during our church prayer meeting.
Our small brother playing drum.
This is a Community Church.

2008年11月27日 星期四

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

We are in Duntas street, enjoy our coffee almoust everyday. Our Boss SK Ho and Rev. Teo

Our Dream Come True 夢想成真

Four year ago Relau Rumah Charis
bougth over this pice of land, from Ah seng cost rm 540,000.00. Our committee most of them not agree, so end up few of the committee leave. 四年多前這一塊地是由 Bro. John Lee 介紹亞成給我們認識,這地本來是亞成的妻子名下擁有,盼望賣給湖內恩惠愛院,我們以伍拾四萬馬幣買下來,今年把所欠的錢還清了,盼望在2010年可把檳城浮羅勿洞挪亞方舟恩惠愛老院建好。


肥佬牧師與亞伯流汗. Rev Yeung & Teo
今天早上與我的 Handsome 牧師一起食點心,Hong Kong Dim sum is the best.........sedapnya!!!!!

Trip to Volcano 難得火山一遊 Makan aging ke Gunung Api

我這一生人好像阿牛入城記,第一次前往這么美麗的的地方,First time in my life, have a great time to visit this beautiful place.

日出之地 Sunrise

清早我起來要贊美主!清早我起來要歌頌!Just want to Praise you Lord.



I'm the light, you are the light of the world.

Chaya di bumi, terang dan suci, kerana orang berdosa, sebabnya jadi kelab dan kotor.

Let there be light, let there be joy in our heart.


大衛與歌利亞 David and Goliath

劉必才牧師,格子小信心大,從青年就認識他,牧者良范. Orang pendik tertapi hatinya besar.
路是人跑出來的,道卻是從神而來,事工是由你和我而出,常為主而活。Live for Christ.
做牛做馬、騎牛騎馬、剎牛剎馬。Be a donkey of Jesus 成為基督的驢駒。
長牧們常是做牛做馬 Pendital selalu kerja macam lembu dan kuda.
你與我就如騎牛騎馬 Kita senang saja nak kuda dan minum susu.
孩子們當今殺牛殺馬 Beef steak and Lamb chop.

一山還有一山高 Gunung ganang

我要向山舉目,我的幫助從何而來 ? 我的幫助!從造天地的耶和華而來。詩121:1-2.
I life up my eyes to the hills..... where does my help come from ?
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2.


馬來人打鼓 tak untung (沒得賺)
印度人打鼓 kadang kadang untung (有時有賺)
吾華人打豉 untung untung (定賺定賺)
星加坡人:怕輸 Kiasu ( fear of losing)
Just want to Win, dare to fall.

2008年11月26日 星期三


Kalau Kita Untung Sedunia, tertapi kehilangan jiwanya, apa eartinya kehidupan di dunia ini.
If we earn the whole world, but loss our souls,
what is the meaning to lives in this world.

Methodist Charis Community Point


Kaulah Tuhanku, Kaulah Rajamu,

Kaulah yang Termulia, Di bumi dan Syukar,

Ku Sembah Kau Tuhan, Ku Sembah Kau Tuhan,

Ku Puji Ku muliakan namamu


Visit to Taichung Church.

Tanjung Bungah RGBC Church Camps

Be a camps speaker of RGBC in Penang Tanjung

Singapore Uncle Weng

Pakci Weng dengan Saudari Lisa.
Singapore one of the Clubs Restaurant, where
Uncle Weng archery traning place.

Like Mother like daugther 母女之情

Hujan mari kambing lari,
Itik akan menari,
Payung di tepi jalan,
Mawar duduk di jalan.
Our beautiful lady with Umbrella.

She is jumping high 女儿恩宁跳高

Umur 16, suka main music dan lukis.
Play Piano, flute and violin.

2008年11月25日 星期二

Our Honey Moon in Sabah Kota Kinabalu

We having a sea foods lunch in Kayang Sea foods Restaurant.
休息跑更長遠的路 0OOo。......
Jalan- jalan cari makan,
Cuti-cuti di Kota kinabalu.

Singapore Trip we meet Kathrine

Anak Perempuan Kakak Teo Siew Teen, tiga puluh tahun tak hubung,
tertapi Tuhan jadikan hari ini.
Rev. Serena Teo, Ms Katherine and Mrs Teo.

My son Kenneth Teo

Anak saya buat Tea Hakka untuk semua orang.
our trip to Kaoshiung


在教會慶祝生日會,有 Sis Angei、
Sis Grace、Loke Nona、余媽媽、
Mr & Mrs Tan和兩位教會姐妹。

VSOP Cameron trip 金馬侖三天兩夜長者遊

Our VSOP Clubs member, staff and friends. 我們是老友記

Penang Pulau Betong Noah's Ark Senior Citizen Home

We bought this land four year ago, cost
us rm 540,000.00, now is cost rm satu juta, we will going to build a Noah's ark here, Brother Alan Tor, Pastor Hon , Bro. Hee and our home residents

Advanced Leadership Seminar in Hawaii Maui

This year 9th February 2008 to 9th March 2008,
I been selected to attended Advanced Leadership Traning, in Hawaii Maui Haggai Institute.
Our supporter Rev. & Mrs Ren , Haggai Intitute Vice President International Traning Mr & Mrs Arthur Dhanaraj.

Enlarge the place of your tent, 擴張帳幕

Yang paling suka hati, 滿有喜樂的家庭營。

The Blessing Of God

Tan Sri 鄭鴻標和文化部長頒發壹万令吉支票給恩惠儿童之家,由張胡坤牧師接領,榮耀歸給真神。

To God be the Glory, We received Ten thousand ringgit donation from Public Bank Berhad.

Sri Angkasa Homes


PUSH pray until something happened

saya sakit hati kerana adik Yuke, ada masalah.

Anak Pulau Ketam

張牧師.......玉儀的腳骨斷了! 現在身體不能移動.....
又給媽媽擔心與麻煩! 張牧師請為玉儀代禱。Please pray for our Sister Yuke.....




saya gembira kerana anak perempuan saya hebat.

Teo Family

This is our family photo, since our dad rest in peace on 1977 December 4th.

This is our mum birthday gathering in Paramount Restaurant Golden Dragon.


Selamat Datang semua Saudaramara, Tuan-tuan dan Puan- puan.


From 25th August 2008, I'm arrived to Macau than by ferry to Hong Kong, staying in Christ Great Commission Church, Mongkok Soares Avenue No. 5-7, 5 floor, miss my wife, children and all of family/friends.