This the day, that the Lord has made. 這就是主,所定的日子。
God forgive me, for what I have done, this morning I'm in Restaurant Millennium, having my breakfast and waiting for Lawyer Wong chiong Seng, my note book beatery is running out, so I use the Coffee Shop power point, one of the shop worker came and let me know, no one can use the power point, I reply him hey! do you know me, are you new here ? so my next table an old man kpc, start to campur tangan, than start with a word:
" Teow li lo mou" a I ask him said one more time, than second time " Teow li lo muo" my tear is drop in my heart, than some more your are mokshi and this .......... . Thanks God I'm a Pastor, if not I will kill him, let me learn a lesson, 26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: 27 Neither give place to the devil. Ephesians 4 生氣不可犯罪, 含恕不可到日落.